Siobhan O’Connell is a certified Chopra Global Meditation Instructor and a Registered Physiotherapist
A graduate from University College Dublin Ireland Siobhan founded Trimetrics Physiotherapy and Clinical Pilates in North Vancouver. She is currently practicing physiotherapy and teaching meditation in her new location in West Vancouver as Siobhan O’Connell Wellness.
I have understood since very early in my career that our physical health is directly connected to our mind and spirit and that healing even the simplest of injuries requires this connection. This view is now fully supported by current neuroscience. ~ Siobhan O’Connell
I invite you to allow me to be your meditation guide because I have been blessed to have had 40 + years of front-line medical experience, thousands of clinical hours treating patients one to one in both hospital and in my private practice settings.
I have seen firsthand, the profound shifts in health that can happen when we tap a little deeper past the physical body to the level of the mind and spirit. Anything is possible at this level.
My caseload currently covers people suffering from pain and inflammation due to injury, accidents, surgery, cancer AND neurological issues.
I understand the systemic effects of chronic stress.
Chronic and unchecked inflammation we now know is at the root of 90% of all human disease and pain, acute and chronic.
Current science shows us that meditation is a powerful and effective tool which down regulates the uncontrolled inflammatory response in the body. It remodels our inner landscape both physically and spiritually, for resilient general health, recovery from disease and trauma as well as generating enhanced creativity, joy and peace around others.
Meditation has now been proven to impact our genes: Epigenetics studies have shown that practicing regularly turns on those genes and can improve our immunity and resilience to disease and turns off those which are damaging to health.
We are at an evolutionary fork in the road.
As individuals we are a microcosm of our planet and our universe.
We each have the drive now to address healing on all levels.
We remember that the word “heal “is derived from “whole.” To be healed IS to be made whole.
When we recognize and cultivate our personal “wholeness” of mind, body and higher awareness, we have the potential to create powerful self-healing that will ripple out from self to family, community and the planet.
Embracing our personal wholeness with meditation, will drive momentum for the much bigger key choices that can create planet wholeness. The shift we seek begins with us as individuals.
I ask myself: if not me, who?
If not now, when?
I am at your service here and now.
You choose whether you want a basic introductory practice or perhaps you are ready for a deeper learning. As an experienced medical professional, I will guide you back to the source of your own wholeness with a gentle simple effortless daily Chopra Global Meditation practice.
Siobhan O’Connell
Registered Physiotherapist
Certified Chopra Global Meditation Instructor

Having been trained by Deepak Chopra – one of world’s foremost authorities
on meditation and mindfulness, Siobhan will show you the way to healing.
She teaches you how to draw from the well of inspiration
by using meditation to connect to that ancient source of life.
The Science
There are a number of different pages under our dropdown menu titled ‘The Science’ that will help to identify areas where you may need assistance from Siobhan O’Connell.
Our blog section also has a good deal of information on various topics such as meditation helping autistic children, or people in the police force as well as how meditation helps students focus more on school studies. Many more topics are also addressed in our blog section.
Also we will show you and guide you in how to successfully cope with the contemporary fallout of stress due to Covid-19. One well known writer illustrates the coping techniques for helping her in lockdown - meditation is playing a major role for her… yes it is manageable to contain that fear and use it to your advantage. We will show you how.
Re-invent yourself
Give Siobhan a call. She will help you find a way to live in alignment.