PSM is derived from the Indian Vedic tradition dating back 6000 years. The technique, closely related to transcendental meditation, was revived and modernized for the western mind by Dr Chopra and Dr Simon. The Vedic tradition is understood to be one of the oldest philosophies in the world, from which all known religions and medical foundations have some roots. (Ayurveda )
It is not a religion – it is simply a philosophy for living in a way that embraces the concept of yoga: union of mind, body, spirit and environment. Each are inter-dependent; for example the quality of the air we breathe and the food is important for our bodies to work efficiently. We now also know that the quality of our thoughts affects every cell in our bodies moment by moment. Stressful thoughts activate our fight or flight reflex increasing cortisol and potential for inflammation and disease. Cause and effect cannot be separated.
In the Vedic tradition this was known as Advaita or non-duality: our minds and bodies are not separate from each other and as humans, we’re not separate from each other. Advaita recognises that the matrix of our being is fundamentally pure consciousness. In this realm we are not attached to time, space or location. There is no separate “me” or “you”, we are all one in this field of pure awareness.
In PSM we move from the activity of our external world and thoughts to that field of pure consciousness with an effortless gentle practice using a mantra. A primordial sound is a sound from nature: wind in the trees, rain on the street, waves crashing on a sea shore which are all essentially the vibrations of nature.
A mantra (from Vedic words “man = hand” and “tra= to cross-over “ This is a simple calming Vedic word or vibration or phrase that has no association with your thoughts or day to day life.
The technique is effective regardless of spiritual beliefs and you do not have to take anything on, or let anything go in your life, to enjoy the huge benefits of this form of meditation.
Begin Again. These are two of my favourite words in the English language. Let’s meet up and I will give you a guided tour into the process and provide you with the info you need to create your own expectations for an outcome. This really is an opportunity to 'begin again’.