Deepak and Oprah 21 day meditation challenge
There exists in you a place that is free from disease, never feels pain, is ageless, and never dies. This place is Perfect Health. Journey there with Oprah and Deepak as they reveal the keys to vibrant well-being in body, mind, and spirit.

From the Harvard Business Review
“Meditation builds resilience. Multiple research studies have shown that meditation has the potential to decrease anxiety, thereby potentially boosting resilience and performance under stress.
Meditation boosts emotional intelligence. Brain-imaging research suggests that meditation can help strengthen your ability to regulate your emotions.”

Meditation boosts graduation rates...
The investigators reported a 15% higher graduation rate among students practicing meditation versus other students, even after eliminating differences in grade-point average….

Achieving peace of mind
We have no control over what comes up in our mind. None. This much should be clear to anyone who has ever tried to meditate – or even anyone who has ever had a song stuck in their head for a while. But this is not all bad.

Meditation helps with autism
Raising Jaxson Simons, who suffers from autism spectrum disorder (ASD) was excessively stressful for the Simon’s family. When Jaxson was old enough to drive - a driving trainer told his mother that he had too much stress and they would need to get him some anxiety reducer in order for him to be able to drive…

Arizona police use meditation for stress
Video – Arizona police chief introduces his officers to meditation to help with on the job stress

Goldie Hawn on meditation for life changes
In this Guardian article Goldie Hawn talks about how meditation changed her life.

Booker prize winner on lockdown
“But these are trying times and recently I’ve taken up meditation, because I was struggling to maintain my positive mental attitude, giving in to fear instead of fighting it…”

Our Daily Bread
Did you know that “give us this day, our daily bread” is actually referring to the spiritual aspects of our lives such as prayer, worship or meditation – rather than food?

Slack-jawed staring at a palm tree…
“Mindfulness — the practice of using breathing techniques, similar to those in meditation, to gain focus and reduce distraction — is inching into the military in the United States and those of a handful of other nations.”

Peel officers meditate at local temple
“Here's something you don't see every day. Officers from Ontario's Peel Regional Police attended a temple last week for a lecture on mindfulness meditation and Buddhist philosophy.”